How To Start Your Journaling For Joy Circle
1. Sit down and make a list of some friends you may want to invite to gather together to create a Journal Circle.
2. Read over your list and beside each name write why you would like to be in a Journaling Circle, with this person. (Don’t be afraid to add or delete names.)
3. Choose and arrange of your circle location.
4. Create a flyer or... simply e-mail or call and invite him/her to join you.
5. If you are planning on the circle using the Journaling For Joy book/workbook either order yourself or recommend each person order his/her own copies. (I know that it really helps to have the book and workbook as guides.)
6. Decide what you are going to do for the first meeting and plan your agenda. (I do highly recommend that you read Chapter 9, in book Chapter 8 in WB... “The Magic Of Writing In A Group)
7. Make the telephone calls to confirm the time of the first meeting and begin this journey with your Journaling Circle Friends.
8. Be ready to journal to and... for... JOY!
- Remember… as the host for the first meeting, also plan to have a timer, pens, extra paper and J4J books to “set-up” for a magical circle experience.
- I do have a Journaling For Joy facilitator manual available now, to use as a guide along with my books as the resource. It is $49.95 and available through me online